my playlist

At what point in your lfe did you realize some kind of reinvention was in order?

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Whoa, is it October already???

Yes, it's been a long time since I blogged. A LOT has happened. I was in a car accident, my husband had food poisoning and a tweek in his back, and (happily) I became pregnant. The ladder is, of course, a good thing. We are very excited to have one more child, as my rule is have at least two. I grew up an only child, and it was BOR-ING! Even if one argues with their sibling, at least they have someone to relate to as well. Anyway, I will check in later.  I need to finish getting ready for work...

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Urban Adventure...#1

Define Urban Adventure...(my term, BTW):
a mini-journey one embarks upon in an urban setting, as opposed to "the jungle", "the outback", or any such more-rugged terrain.  Activities on said adventure may include, but are not limited to- photography of found art in nature, in structures, or in people (aware or unaware)...scoping out the next hidden gem of an eatery (a-la Rachel Ray or Guy Fieri), or simply taking in a peppering of locations in one's seemingly ordinary urban zip code(s). 

I used to have more Urban Adventures, but with time and responsibilities being what they are, my adventure itinerary has gone by the way side. After taking The Sprout (my painfully cute daughter) on a walk to the park yesterday (with my IPhone blaring Lady GaGa), I spotted a rather magnificent hawk in a bare tree within the man made-albeit-beautifully landscaped walking path. I quickly wheeled my sleeping Sprout back to our condo and retrieved my Nikon D60. That is when I went on my Urban Adventure. I did end up photographing the hawk, but also several other elements along the way. I happen to be honing my skills as a photographer and enjoy finding unexpected beauty in objects and pieces of objects. So...don't be a hater if you think my shots are less than frame-able. Go find your own found art...everyone carries a different version of beauty.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Twilighted :: All-Inclusive, High-Quality Twilight Fan Fiction

A noteworthy site to check out...
Twilighted :: All-Inclusive, High-Quality Twilight Fan Fiction

The first day of the rest of my life...

So I recently turned 34. Not a monumental occasion; definitely not a milestone year...
and at this point in my life, I feel like I have a lot to say. Sometimes I just talk out loud to myself (no I have not answered back because THAT would be crazy)...I feel like I come up with some pretty good insights and realizations this way...I seem to make better connections if I talk out my thoughts, rather than simply keeping them inside. So hear we are, it's already going to be 2010...(no space odyssey), and everyone is blogging. I figure the next step is to commit my thoughts to html so that I can share my rants with those everywhere. Feel free to comment on what I post, as long as you are willing to be polite. Here's to speaking my mind, and to a new decade of urban adventure...